pdf laravel 5.6 with barryvdh don´t show in vertical

i´m modifying one application in laravel-5.6 and i have a problem when i created my pdf with barryvdh library.

i need that this pdf show in vertical but only can show so:

enter image description here

enter image description here

i think that his size it´s letter... only i can show in landscape... This error, before it did not happen one day, my application start to generate pdf so...

This is configuration in jobs:

pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.precontrato', ['precontrato' => $this->precontrato])
->setPaper('A4', 'Portrait')
->setOption('zoom', 1.2)
->setOption('footer-center', 'x')
->setOption('footer-font-size', 5);

i don´t know if i have any problem with cache... but if i change this configuration always i show how in pictures.

this is configuration for config/snappy.php

Thanks for help me and readme.

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