laravel-snappy library allways generate pdf in letter format

I´m traying to generate pdf in my application web with laravel-snappy, and always generate pdf in format landscape but i´m setting other configuration:

public function handle()
$pdfName = "precontrato.pdf";
$path = 'app/contratos/'.$this->precontrato->serie.'-'.$this->precontrato->contador.'/'.$pdfName;
$pdfPath = storage_path($path);

$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.precontrato', ['precontrato' => $this->precontrato])
//->setOption('zoom', 1.2)
->setOption('footer-center', 'EDICIONES GRUPO DELUXE 2013 S.L.U está Inscripta en el Registro Mercantil de Granada al Tomo 1548 Folio 42 Hoja GR46323 Inscrip. 1ª')
->setOption('footer-font-size', 5);

$pdfCreado = $pdf->save($pdfPath, true);


this is my job i´m need a4 format to my pdf but i don´t know, always this library generated me, my pdf in letter format:

this is my snappy.php

'pdf' => [
'enabled' => true,
'binary' => '"C:\Program Files\wkhtmltopdf\bin\wkhtmltopdf"',
'timeout' => false,
'options' => array(
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
'viewport-size' => '1024x768',
//'margin-top' => 0,
//'margin-bottom' => 7,
//'margin-left' => 20,
//'margin-right' => 20,
'footer-right' => "Página [page] de [toPage]",
'footer-font-size' => 3

'image' => [
'enabled' => true,
'binary' => '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltoimage',
'timeout' => false,
'options' => [],
'env' => [],

i don´t know where i can to show to change this...

Thanks for help

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