Laravel 8 UniSharp File Manager 3 - image uploaded but not showing

When I upload some files with LFM, the images are uploaded in a new folder created in storage/app/public/photos/shares and thumbnails in a nested folder thumbs. BUT the images thumbnails are not showing in the FM, only the filenames under a blank image.

1/ How can I fix that?

2/ Under the images there is a little blue box with number 1 inside . What is that? I can I get rid of it?

3/ I also find strange that the images are stored in a "shared" folder although this is set to false in the /config/lfm.php. Do I have to edit unisharp/laravel-filemanager/src/config/lfm.php as well? Or should I delete the one in /config?

'allow_shared_folder'      => false,
'shared_folder_name' => 'shares',

4/ I also do not want that location for the upload. Instead I want the images stored in /public/images/uploads and same for the files into /public/files/uploads. Where do I change these paths?

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