How to Create Custom Library in CodeIgniter
Hi, today let's see how to create custom library in codeigniter . CodeIgniter offers a rich set of libraries and helpers for robust application development. In general, a library is a class file used to group similar functionalities into a single file. Now we can do the same with helper but the libraries have their own object to store relevant data. Below I'll show you how to create your own class libraries in CI. You must store these library files inside the 'application/libraries' folder. This will keep them separate from the native libraries of the framework. CodeIgniter - Create Custom Library: CodeIgniter is a flexible MVC framework and allows you to, Create new custom libraries. Extend existing libraries to include additional functionalities to them. Replace native libraries completely with your own version. I'm going to show you an example where I create a custom library to export the database table as a json string. STEP-1) Create a library named...