
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠١٧

URL Shortener Service using PHP and Google API

Hi! In today's post we will see about creating URL Shortener service using PHP and Google API . Google provides tons of APIs for users to easily complete several complicated tasks. And Google url shortener service (goo.gl) is one among them. In the past I have discussed about some other APIs like youtube api and google finance api . Now I'm going to show you about using google url shortener api service and generate shorten url using php. Google URL Shortener API: The Google URL Shortener is a service that takes long URLs and makes them short with fewer characters to make the link easier to share on social networks or by email. With Google's URL Shortening API, you can create these short urls programmatically by sending the long url through the http request. Please note that the API has a daily limit of 1,000,000 requests for free - more than that goes to your billing. In order to use google url shortener api, you must first get the api key and have to tag it wit

10 Best Tips To Make Your Site Mobile Friendly - Infographics

Hi! Here we have the infographics that gives you the 10 best tips to make your site mobile friendly and improve the mobile user experience . Smartphones are not just used to make calls and send messages. Millions of mobile users use them to surf internet, search for news, information, and to shop and purchase. The fact that your site can be viewed on a mobile device does not make it mobile-friendly. If you have not properly optimized your website / e-commerce site for mobile traffic you could loss leads and sales. Studies shows that more than half of the internet traffic is through mobile devices and the rate increases day by day. Almost 60% of mobile users said to have trouble accessing websites and face navigation problems. Even though your site looks perfect and beautiful from desktop, the mobile user experience could be totally different. So many websites have separate mobile sites and its fine if you have small static sites. But responsive websites are much more preferred

SMS Gateway API Integration in PHP - Sending Text Messages

Hi! In this tutorial, we'll look at how to integrate sms api in php and send bulk text messages using simple php script . These days, increasing number of web applications uses SMS feature for product promotions, user authentication or sales and event notifications directly through their mobile phones. To send sms via php, you need to integrate an appropriate SMS gateway provider in your application. There are a number of SMS Service providers in the market and they offer APIs in various programming languages. Here I'm going to show you how to integrate Textlocal SMS gateway in PHP. Read: How to Create AJAX Search Engine using PHP and MySQL Textlocal SMS API: Textlocal is a bulk sms gateway that offers an easy and powerful messaging platform. It helps you maintain massive contact lists, compose rich multi-media messages and send sms in bulk. It has flexible APIs supporting different programming platforms. Register with SMS Gateway: In order to use Textlocal sms ga